I realize that Jason hasn't been able to post (Internet problems) so I will let you know that he is still hanging in there. He has said that the worst part of his day is when he wakes up in the morning and remembers where he is, but then he understands that he does have an important job to do and he is honored to do it.
Jason has asked me to let you know that he has two patients that need your help. One is a young girl with diabetes she is in desperate need of protein. The best way for us to help is by sending canned tuna or chicken. Another patient is a young boy with aplastic anemia (I have no idea), Jason is petitioning several different physicians for this young boy to be transferred to a better location in order to receive a bone-marrow transplant otherwise he will not survive. In this case Jason is asking for your prayers/miracle. Obviously prayers in both instances are helpful and very useful if that is all that we can do. (Mosiah 4:24-27)
Also for any young woman or young man interested in a service project the area that Jason is in is prime for school supplies of all kinds (eg; backpacks, pencils, crayons, pens, markers, paper, binders, folders, glue sticks, ect.). The ONLY condition is they need to be completely plain and generic. No Hanna Montana, Jonas brothers, or any other theme. Nothing psychedelic either.
I think that's it. I will on Jason's behalf thank you for all the prayers on his behalf he has sure felt the support and strength.