Thursday, October 29, 2009


Jace Lightyear to the rescue.

Yep! I couldn't resist. Jaryn made the best Alice in the whole World.

Thanks to Grandma Cluff for making Jaryn's Alice costume. And yes I know Alice isn't suppose to have long sleeves but it's like 30 degrees up here.


Some kids just don't want to grow-up. Jensen created his own costume, and James was good enough to recycle an old costume. I am just not like Jason, He is the creator/engineer of costume in this house.

Tiny Dancer

Did I not tell you that she was not the cutiest little dancer. Jaryn is having so much fun, and she is getting better. .

Monday, October 19, 2009


Jason is working on draining some abscess on a little girl's face.

So I just thought I would let you know how Jason was doing and give everyone another update. As you can see they keep him pretty busy. And his practice of medicine has opened up a little. Veterinarians are valuable and they are not deployed everywhere so special animals like this "bomb sniffing" dog are elevated to "human" status and Jason manages the care of all the humans in the compound. He says looking in a dog's eye is very different than looking in a human eye.
On a very sad note, the little boy that had a-plastic anemia passed away. It was very sad and painful for the little boy after so many attempts to cure him. At least now he will not have to suffer anymore.
Some good news is Jason's diabetic patient is doing really well, but she is tired of tuna. For those who are planning on sending any, if you don't mind changing it to canned chicken or beef that would be awesome.
Other than that, I am counting down the days. we are more than half way finished. I can't believe it.