Saturday, December 26, 2009


There has been some crazy information about exactly when Jason was leaving, but it is for sure. Yesterday Jason called me, from anther base in Quandahar and said he was coming HOME. And this morning he called me from Kyrgyzstan so Jason is definitely out of the country. YEAH!!!! This is so exciting, because just a week ago he told me that there had been some "glitch" and that he wouldn't be able to leave until the 30th of December and that he probably wouldn't see us until January 10th. That made me eat about 4 hagendaags ice cream bars. NOW it's time for the treadmill and extra sit-ups (I know wishful thinking). I might see him in less than 5 days. Cross your fingers folks. Christmas miracles do happen for those who still believe.
Grandpa Rogers and Uncle Boyd are going to try and fly up here and welcome Jason home with us, and I wanted to let everyone know that they are welcome to come as well. I will keep everyone posted who would like to try and come so just let me know.

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like.......

We put our tree up a few weeks ago but I haven't had time to put up any pictures until now. This is the first time that I have actually had a tree that coordinated with my decor. I actually am impressed with this milestone in my life. We still have our other tree, the one with all our home-made decorations, it's downstairs in the "family room" The kids had a fun time decorating that one all by themselves. Jensen took care of our outdoor decorations as well. We didn't put lights on our house, we'll wait for Dad to do that next year.

By the way. Jason will be leaving his Base on the 18th or 19th. He won't be heading home just yet he gets to spend Christmas at some other big military installation. After Christmas sometime he will be leaving Afghanistan for good or bad, it depends on how you want to look at it. So don't send any packages to him anymore he won't get them. But thanks to all those who did, he really appreciated it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Jaryn

My Baby is four years old. I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday I held a tiny little girl in my arms and then (Blink) here she is picking out her own outfit to wear and believing herself to be so grown up. (Until she needs a ride to the mall). My goodness where did the time go?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Jace Lightyear to the rescue.

Yep! I couldn't resist. Jaryn made the best Alice in the whole World.

Thanks to Grandma Cluff for making Jaryn's Alice costume. And yes I know Alice isn't suppose to have long sleeves but it's like 30 degrees up here.


Some kids just don't want to grow-up. Jensen created his own costume, and James was good enough to recycle an old costume. I am just not like Jason, He is the creator/engineer of costume in this house.

Tiny Dancer

Did I not tell you that she was not the cutiest little dancer. Jaryn is having so much fun, and she is getting better. .

Monday, October 19, 2009


Jason is working on draining some abscess on a little girl's face.

So I just thought I would let you know how Jason was doing and give everyone another update. As you can see they keep him pretty busy. And his practice of medicine has opened up a little. Veterinarians are valuable and they are not deployed everywhere so special animals like this "bomb sniffing" dog are elevated to "human" status and Jason manages the care of all the humans in the compound. He says looking in a dog's eye is very different than looking in a human eye.
On a very sad note, the little boy that had a-plastic anemia passed away. It was very sad and painful for the little boy after so many attempts to cure him. At least now he will not have to suffer anymore.
Some good news is Jason's diabetic patient is doing really well, but she is tired of tuna. For those who are planning on sending any, if you don't mind changing it to canned chicken or beef that would be awesome.
Other than that, I am counting down the days. we are more than half way finished. I can't believe it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

All About Jason

Get ready for a shocker, I can tell you now because it's over, but Jason went on a field trip. He had to take some things with him, and Hobie might appreciate this, because it got a little cumbersome. Oh well, such is the life right? All in a days work. I guess never ending loads of laundry and dirty diapers, washing dishes in a sink-oh wait I have an automatic dish washer and being able to take a shower using clean fresh mountain spring water instead of smelly fishy river water puts things into perspective-it's all about perspective.
Those packs are close to 100 pounds not including the gun.

Here he is on the flight line, Jason thought that he might have to sleep on one of these one night but that didn't happen. (Thank goodness).

Someone wanted to give Jason this parrot but he was worried about it learning and reciting back military secrets so he declined.


The cast is off now, we couldn't add it to James' collection of casts either (it didn't survive the removal process) too bad. Now James is in a brace for two more weeks, he needs to heal too because he is suppose to start football next month. (I must be outta my mind).

Yep! That's my girl. Her first day of school All I said was "Jaryn I need to take a picture of you for school." And this is what she did.

Apron strings? There are no apron strings on this child. If I didn't drive her to pre-school, she would've walked there herself.


Jace had his first day of school on Aug. 17th. He is waiting for the bus at the "bench."
Jace is watching for the bus to come. He loves riding the bus.

Jensen is up next waiting for his ride to seminary at 6:50 am. This is his 2nd year of early morning seminary. Way to go Jensen! He's always up and ready to go.

James is in 7th grade, one more year of middle school then it's of the HIGH SCHOOL I can't believe it.


I realize that it has been awhile since I have updated everyone, but there has been a lot going on. School has started and that is about the biggest thing. Jensen is in a improvisational play (first time for everything) that performs next weekend. I guess that acting bug got a hold of him. James broke his wrist after a couple of weeks of school, that was a joy! Jace figured out how to turn off our alarms and open our double door knob doors, by standing on a stool and using his foot to turn the bottom knob and his hand to turn the top knob. So my stress level went up to about a thousand times its normal level when I saw Jace swinging out in the backyard and all the big kids are at school. So new locks were installed with combinations, so when Jace figures out the combination (which he will) we can change the code. Jaryn started pre-school this year only two days a week ( I am not ready to completely part with my baby), also ballet and tap. That class is so adorable there are 3 other little girls and Jaryn is... how can I say this...well she looks the cutest. Her tap shoes fit her really well, AND her "Ballet BUN" is the BOMB! Wow this blog is very long the next one will have all the pictures so everything will fit. Or I guess the pictures will appear first so this will have explained everything.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Stacy!!!

We are gona pretend that this was your birthday dinner kay!

Sing with me now.....

Happy Birthday to you.....cha cha cha Happy Birthday to you......cha cha cha

Happy Birthday Dear Stacy!!!!

Happy Birthday to you......cha cha cha

Your gettin old, your gettin old, Enjoy life. It flies by. Not so much like a 10 speed anymore more like a F-16 now.

Love ya

The Tenney's

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Update on Jason

I realize that Jason hasn't been able to post (Internet problems) so I will let you know that he is still hanging in there. He has said that the worst part of his day is when he wakes up in the morning and remembers where he is, but then he understands that he does have an important job to do and he is honored to do it.

Jason has asked me to let you know that he has two patients that need your help. One is a young girl with diabetes she is in desperate need of protein. The best way for us to help is by sending canned tuna or chicken. Another patient is a young boy with aplastic anemia (I have no idea), Jason is petitioning several different physicians for this young boy to be transferred to a better location in order to receive a bone-marrow transplant otherwise he will not survive. In this case Jason is asking for your prayers/miracle. Obviously prayers in both instances are helpful and very useful if that is all that we can do. (Mosiah 4:24-27)
Also for any young woman or young man interested in a service project the area that Jason is in is prime for school supplies of all kinds (eg; backpacks, pencils, crayons, pens, markers, paper, binders, folders, glue sticks, ect.). The ONLY condition is they need to be completely plain and generic. No Hanna Montana, Jonas brothers, or any other theme. Nothing psychedelic either.

I think that's it. I will on Jason's behalf thank you for all the prayers on his behalf he has sure felt the support and strength.

Mission Log Date 8.11.09 TO HELENA AND BACK

Creating a whirlpool.

Jace in the tree at the Cocker's house.

Playing touch rugby (thank goodness) at the park.

Jaryn showing off her climbing abilities.

Malia and me, she was born on Jensen's birthday almost the exact same time, just a couple of minutes difference. I think that's amazing. (I don't know if I spelled her name right so I am very sorry if I didn't).

Well, our family ventured out onto the open road again and headed for Montana this time to visit our friends/family the Cocker's. Jaryn surprised us all by running up to Uncle Charles and giving him a great big hug. James and Jensen were introduced to rugby during our quick visit, and I don't think James was too thrilled about the sport.

Sunday we were able to see some familiar faces, although Helena 1st ward isn't what it used to be. The ol' gang is long gone except for the Cocker family.

The trip was short, and I don't think we are going to be making any more trips for a while, but it was great to finally get to see our friends after such a long long time. We have a potential date for next summer in Mt. Rushmore, right Michelle?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jaryn's first talk

My baby gave her first talk in primary on Sunday. It was sooooo adorable. She talked about how we strengthen our family by reading the scriptures everyday. Even her daddy is reading the same scriptures and that helps our family feel close and stronger. It was so cute how she bounced up to the podium with her little hand-bag. I think she thought she was going to quote something from "King Julian" (that is what she had been use to hearing around the house over the past few weeks). I was a little nervous that I was going to hear "Welcome all you pansies!" But I didn't, Jaryn recited exactly what she was suppose to and it was sweet. What a milestone!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jensen on utube

Hey Jensen, We loved watching you on utube. We have a suggestion on what to get your mom for Christmas...A tripod! Can't wait to see you guys!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mission Log Date 7.19.2009 MY SON THE CELEBRITY

Okay everybody check this out. Jensen participated in the Stake Youth Conference Talent Show on Saturday and did a fantastic job and I don't even have to say so myself. In church today several parents came up to me and said that their kids couldn't stop talking about how amazed they were at Jensen's voice mimicking abilities.

I tried to download the video here on this site but it was too big so I had to create an account on youtube and download it there. SO here is the address.

AND no I didn't do that so Jensen could turn into some kind of reality-Internet-celebrity-15 minutes-of-fame star either so be quiet!

P.S. the taping of this is horrible. I did it with Jaryn trying to climb on my lap. SORRY.

Mission Log Date 7.19.09 ROAD TRIP!!!!!

Well we did it. The Chrillrens (and yes, I meant to spell it that way)and I loaded up in the car and traveled all of the way over to our relations in Missouri. Without mishap, misfortune or misery. We had a wonderful time, with the exception of James catching a little cold, but he didn't let that get him down too much, he managed to shoot off some fireworks and go swimming.

I was able to to visit church history sites and get a better understanding of our religion, which is to say I know enough now to get me into to more trouble if I happen into any real debate on the subject. (Tamara has learned about how absolutely wrong I can be about how absolutely certainly right I think I am. right? My family has known that for years). My favorite part was being able to surprise Dean and Carolyn Eaton at their home. They are going to have the most gorgeous view from their master suite when their renovations are complete.

Jaryn and I also got to go to an "off" Broadway production of "Anything Goes" thanks to a friend of Tamara. (Hey Susette?, er, remember when we went to that production of "Annie?" It took me back to that time). ANYway the theater was outdoors and it was a beautiful night,an adorable amphitheater too.

Jaryn got her fill of attention by her "Nesouri" cousins. Her hair was fixed up everyday, sometimes twice a day. She wants to know when we are going back.--That's kind of funny because 10 minutes after we arrived she wanted to go home. It didn't take long for her to realize that older girl cousins is where it's at. (Jaryn has named her new toy Cassie Care Bear! I hope that you like that Cassie :).

Well, I guess that's everything, expect for the pictures, I will post as much as I can.

Thank again to Owen and Tamara!!! WE HAD A GREAT TIME!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Greetings from Afghanistan

I have never "blogged" before. I hope I don't mess it up. I'm going to try to post a couple of photos to let everyone know that I'm fine and not starving to death. People complain of the heat here but it's not that bad. The terrain looks alot like the valley of the sun. It's dry and dusty. The people who are not trying to kill us are very nice and humble. The patient load is not heavy most of the time which leaves us to play risk, bachi ball, darts and other productive activities. I sure miss everyone. I can feel the strength of the prayers of so many. I haven't had that sensation so strongly since my mission. It is very comforting. The phones have been down for a few days so I have had little contact with Stacy and the kids. We are hoping to get better internet access and then I will be able to keep in touch a little more effectively. Thanks to all for the love, prayers and support. Know that a good work is going on here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


For those who don't know Jason is in Afghanistan. YUCK! He will be there for about 5 more months. We have already been apart for 1 and a half, while Jason did some training at Ft. Dix in May. We got to see him for a couple of weeks in June when we went to AZ for a family reunion and then to Cali for fun but exhausting Disneyland excursion AND a quick visit to our dear friends the LeBarons (I thought that you would appreciate that Paul).

ANYWAY-Now you know why I am doing this, and now you are up-to-date.

We now resume our regularly scheduled blog.

Mission Log DATE 7.8.09-Maiden Voyage

Well, it took me long enough to get this going and I think that I finally have it working. Let's say it is a work in progress. I will keep adding pictures and letting everyone know how Jason and the kiddos are doing, (and the fact that I am the one entering all the information you can deduce that I am alive as well, :P).

Jason is doing fine. He eats really well, so he tells me. He wants to send me a picture of the "wall of snacks" but it is usually masked by several SF (special forces) soldiers, and they don't like having their picture taken. (We can't give away all our secrets). He is also trying to do his P90X, and extra studying to help pass the time. I have been able to talk to him just about everyday so that is nice, but it still STINKS that he is so far away.

The kids and I are getting ready for our first adventure, we are taking a trip to Missouri and visiting Owen and Tamara and their family for a week. We will post pictures when we get back.

In the meantime JENSEN celebrated his 16th birthday! Can you believe it? I can't either. I know it, because I look so young.