Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mission Log DATE 7.8.09-Maiden Voyage

Well, it took me long enough to get this going and I think that I finally have it working. Let's say it is a work in progress. I will keep adding pictures and letting everyone know how Jason and the kiddos are doing, (and the fact that I am the one entering all the information you can deduce that I am alive as well, :P).

Jason is doing fine. He eats really well, so he tells me. He wants to send me a picture of the "wall of snacks" but it is usually masked by several SF (special forces) soldiers, and they don't like having their picture taken. (We can't give away all our secrets). He is also trying to do his P90X, and extra studying to help pass the time. I have been able to talk to him just about everyday so that is nice, but it still STINKS that he is so far away.

The kids and I are getting ready for our first adventure, we are taking a trip to Missouri and visiting Owen and Tamara and their family for a week. We will post pictures when we get back.

In the meantime JENSEN celebrated his 16th birthday! Can you believe it? I can't either. I know it, because I look so young.


CGray said...

I'm glad to hear that Jason is doing well. I can't believe that Jensen is 16!!! I still remember when I turned sixteen, but that's probably because that was only nine years ago. Have fun on your trip to Missouri. Love you so much Stace!

Rogers Family said...

Thanks Miss Chris. Hopefuly everyone will be able to keep tabs on us this way. I am glad that I got the right email address with you. I had about three.

Polly mom said...

Yeah, for your blog. I love the pictures. Hey! You didn't tell me about your trip to Missouri? We are planning a trip there as well to see Dean and Carolyn, when are your going? Call me. Love you