Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So for all those that know what they are looking at, you can explain it to the rest of the people out there. JK. this is Jace's leg. Jason says that you can see where the brake was/is, but I couldn't see it unless it's pointed out to me. I know now that it's on the side where the screws go in, so if your looking at the picture the most obvious is below the second screw right of middle and follow it up from there.

Dr. says that growth plate looks good and everything is staying in place. BAD NEWS is that screws might have to come out. YUCK! But Dr. also says that the bones will heal (the holes will fill in). But that second screw is awfully close to coming out the other side. At least that's how this person sees it.

1 comment:

Jennifer P said...

I have been thinking about you and your family and especially Jace. I am glad to hear that he is doing well and can so see him trying to get around in that big ol' cast. He will always put a smile on my face whether near or far but as the first day of school quickly approaches I am saddened that he will not be in my classroom this year. I will continue to pray for his leg to heal. Please tell him that I said hi, that I miss him and give him a hug for me.