Saturday, August 20, 2011

Okay so it's my Birthday!!

Well this is it. The big four-oh my heck how did I get this old. (One day at a time) No big party for commiserating. But we just moved here so it's hard to throw a big party. But thanks to all for the birthday wishes.
Since my mom likes me to share stories about my family so here are a couple of funny stories to share:

Yesterday my dad called to wish me a happy birthday and while I was talking with him Jaryn was, of course, buzzing around me wanting to know who I was talking to. My dad heard her and asked to talk to her so I gave Jaryn the phone. After a few sentences of conversation I heard Jaryn say, "Well, hug the phone." When I got back on the phone my dad told me that he wanted to give Jaryn a big hug. I guess she thought about it and figured the next best thing to hugging her was to hug the object on which her voice was coming through. Make sense to me.

Today my kiddos gave me the best present, they cleaned my kitchen and most of the house! Jason gave me a present of doing the laundry. BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!
While we were coming back from my birthday lunch, Jason asked if Jensen wanted to take our neighbor's grandson to the movies. He said yes, so we needed to get him some cash. James realizing that money is usually a birthday gift, suggested that I get some money for my birthday. So he told Jason that he needed to get me some birthday money. Thanks James for lookin' out for me.


CGray said...

Sounds like you had a fun birthday sister! Love you guys!

Polly mom said...

Yes I do like hearing stories about your family and you have such an expressive way of sharing, I can hear your voice and it makes me laugh.

I'm so glad you had a nice day. Love you

by the way, I thought I was 40, when did you get so old?